How can you integrate Handicraft Interior Decoration in your home ? Handicraft meets Baroque #1
The question how handicraft interior decoration can fit in different Interior Design Styles is often raise. In our Handicraft meets Serie we will present different home decoration style such as Baroque, Modern, Contemporary and Traditional, to show that handicraft...
Womencraft action
Here the finished Handwoven objects:
WomenCraft Tanzania is a country which is welcoming and hosting lots of refugees. Over 335 000 refugees have reached Tanzania, fleeing away conflicts, violence, and instability from Burundi, Rwanda and DR Congo. WomenCraft, created in 2007, is a social...
The Journey of Esperance Balingayao – WomenCraft
The Journey of Esperance Balingayao WomenCraft Source document: Credit WomenCraft
India – Handicraft Curtains
These artisans from North of India are creating modern and classical curtains from different materials. Here are the steps of creation: Some of the finished curtains:
Interview Pakistan Artisan
Interview of Pakistan artisan How did you start your career as artisan? Was it a passion or a dream to become artisan when you were a child?I started this career in early 90’s. It was my passion. Everything that reflected our individuality being Sindhi made me...